An unpaid bill quickly arrived. Even if we are organized, we can unfortunately forget one or not be able to pay for it right away. And the reminder arrives. Here are some tips to help you avoid these unpaid bills:

1. Meet payment due dates

The due date or the number of days before payment mentioned on the invoices you receive is very important. If you miss this deadline, it is legal to apply the standard payment terms, which means that charges may be added to the original amount of your unpaid invoice, according to your creditor's terms.

2. If you can't pay by the due date, ask your creditor for an extension

You may not be able to pay your bill on time for various personal reasons. By informing your creditor of these reasons, he may grant you an extension if justified. It is imperative to contact your creditor to obtain a (reasonable) arrangement in order to avoid additional costs!

3. Be organized or even academic

Note on your invoices when they are “paid” or “due” with the date. If you are using an electronic binder rather than the paper version, add columns accordingly. Whether you use the paper or electronic version, sort your bills to be paid by payment dates. This will ensure you do not pay the same bill twice and that you have paid it correctly. You will also have the guarantee of having respected the payment deadlines.

4. If you have several monthly payments to pay, establish a standing order

As already said previously, respecting due dates is very important. With a standing order, you schedule your payments on the right dates and you no longer have to worry about them. Be careful, however, to stop your standing order when the invoice is cleared. This is not always automatic.

5. Check your contact details with your suppliers to be sure to receive your invoices

Does your service provider know your new address? Make sure your contact details are updated in the computer systems of all your suppliers. It is not because you have changed your address in the municipality or on your identity card that your service providers are informed. If you move and are waiting for a bill, follow up with mail at the post office and automatically notify your supplier of your new address.

6. Contact your supplier if you do not receive an invoice

If you regularly have mail problems or if your monthly bill does not arrive, contact your service provider. If your supplier sent you an invoice and you didn't receive it, they can't guess. It's important to let them know and ask for payment information, otherwise they'll just think you don't want to pay them. Your call or email will be proof of your good faith.

7. If you receive a formal notice, react directly!

If, despite these precautions, you receive a formal notice, make payment immediately. In case of financial difficulties, contact the collection company directly. The formal notice is a legal obligation, after sending the invoice and reminder(s) (not obligatory). By reacting quickly, you will avoid further costs and thus stop the recovery procedure. If you receive mail from INTERNATIONAL RECOVER COMPANY®, contact us immediately. We will work with you to find the appropriate solution to settle your unpaid invoice.

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