Independents, don't give up! Make the most of your time during this period of confinement!



Make this slow period profitable by contacting your customers and try as much as possible to bring in your money. If invoices are not paid, they are not from yesterday, but probably well before the confinement! Demanding payment of your overdue invoices will bring you a significant income during this lean period.

Also take the opportunity to set an example: pay your suppliers and ask them for a breakdown of future invoices. You will thus obtain a clear vision of your future expenses. It is then up to you to possibly request payment plans or adapt your future orders to your future needs and means.


Here is finally the opportunity to set up the new invoicing and reminders system that you were thinking about but didn't have time to look into. You will soon be able to highlight your unpaid invoices, the number of reminders made, the total amount of your debt, etc. You will be able to establish a schedule which will allow you to have a clear view of your paid or unpaid invoices from day to day. And, since you finally have the opportunity and the time, send your invoices and reminders.

This is also the time to take stock of your general payment conditions. Many freelancers still send quotes and invoices without general payment conditions or they are outdated (still denominated in francs for example). Reread your general payment conditions. What do you think? Are they still up to date? In view of the major economic crisis that is looming, shouldn't you be more assertive and, for example, opt for a full cash payment rather than a payment 30 days at the end of the month?

Don't feel comfortable writing your payment terms? Not getting payment for your reminders? This is an opportunity to call on a company specializing in recovering unpaid invoices. You now have all the data in hand and the time available to request an offer tailored to your needs.


Take a look at your assets (furniture, real estate, stock, supplies, etc.) and sort the useful from the superfluous to reduce your fixed costs when possible. Reduce your liabilities. It may also be time to renegotiate contracts with your suppliers, compare the competition's offers (electricity, rental, gas, communication, etc.), or even renegotiate your receivables from financial institutions to facilitate your recovery as soon as economic activity restarts.

Containment should not be synonymous with stopping economic activity. Let’s stay proactive! INTERNATIONAL RECOVER COMPANY® remains at your side during this delicate period, both economically and humanly.

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