April 8: National Paramedics Day


Deliberately set the day after World Health Day, National Ambulance Day is an opportunity to highlight these health professionals, who are often the first to respond to you in an emergency, to any emergency. time of day or night, even on Sundays and public holidays.

A profession with difficult hours, the profession of ambulance driver is above all a human profession. Very often faced with distress, even violence, paramedics take to the road with each call to uncertain, stressful but essential situations.

The profession of ambulance driver these days requires having strong backs both mentally and financially. As with any entrepreneur, costs are increasing. The additional equipment needed to transport covid patients and now fuel cost increases are making these costs even higher. Added to this is the fact that very often their invoices are the last to be paid, even after numerous reminders.

The INTERNATIONAL RECOVER COMPANY® teams are proud to be at their side to relieve them of their administrative tasks and help them recover their dues.

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