You move ?


A new “home”, a new beginning,... What happiness! At least that’s what we hope for you. However, be careful to take precautions when moving to avoid unpleasant surprises when tracking your invoices.

The key word: prevent

Once you know the date of your move and your new address, notify your service providers (water, electricity, telephone, etc.) directly in advance. Also discuss with them the steps to take (closing, termination, etc.).

Essential: tracking your mail

Do not hesitate to divert your mail to your new residence. Of course, this has a cost, but the hassle avoided thus more than covers it. How to do? Find out more at the nearest post office or online at “”. At the rates in effect in 2020, a mail transfer for a period of 3 months will cost you €26.95 and for 6 months €51.90. If the neighborhood agent hasn't yet visited your new address, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you receive your mail, and especially your invoices and official documents.

A reflex: communicate your new address each time

This must become automatic. Every time you go somewhere, for example to a doctor or to the garage, check the contact details they have. Also think about this when shopping online.

If you do not see an expected invoice arrive, contact your supplier directly. This will help you avoid late payment fees. Indeed, very often, your supplier, to save time and money, will not carry out a search for your new address itself but will entrust its unpaid debts to a debt collection company or even opt for legal action. If you do not do what is necessary beforehand, you will not be protected from additional costs because the searches and sending of reminders have a cost to be borne by you. Be proactive!

What about businesses and freelancers?

How do you get the right addresses for healthy management of your invoicing? You will need to be organized, even recurring with each of your customers, check the billing address each time and note it for any commercial transaction with your customer. Although it is tedious and not always pleasant to check the accuracy of the contact details each time, it will save you a lot of address errors.

And what if your head office moves? If you yourself are moving, notify your customers and suppliers as soon as possible. A simple letter or email is enough. And why not take advantage of it to promote your products and services… Also set up the diversion of your mail for at least one year. However, the price for businesses is much more expensive than for individuals.

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