An accident? Some advice to avoid a non-payment.


An accident? Don't worry, the insurance pays!

Too often when an accident occurs, we rely on insurance. Unfortunately, reimbursement conditions vary depending on the type of accident. Let's take some examples:

A work accident?

Accidents at work are covered directly by the employer's insurance as soon as the accident declaration has been made and a reference number has been assigned to it. If you receive an invoice, check with the organization whether a file has been submitted by your employer. If the invoice is in your name, make sure the insurance covers it. The legislation on accidents at work is very strict and the procedures vary from one insurer to another. Ask your employer to give you a copy of the accident report. In the event of a payment reminder, you will thus have useful information to transmit, for example, to the collection company to contact your employer or his insurance.

A school accident?

In the playground, your son was hit in the face with a soccer ball. His nose is broken and he is taken to the hospital. You file an accident report at school. You receive a bill from the clinic in your son's name. You send it to the school, which reassures you and certifies that the insurance will pay for it. It's wrong! For all school accidents, you must pay the costs upon receipt and send the paid invoices to the school so that they can send them to the insurance for reimbursement. If you receive a payment reminder, react as soon as possible! In the event of non-payment, the collection company is never far away and, in this case, the late fees will always be your responsibility.

A sports accident?

Your daughter had a bad fall during a volleyball match. Her arm is broken and you're going to get the bill for the cast in your daughter's name. What to do? If you belong to a sports club, you must have received a membership card from this club as well as a contract with the details of the insurance, read it carefully. Often, this type of insurance works by indemnification. You must therefore pay the invoice and then send it paid to the insurance company to be reimbursed. Important feature: if you are a professional sportsman, in the event of an accident, you fall into the category of industrial accidents.

Do you have supplementary healthcare insurance?

Hospitalization, outpatient, dental insurance, etc. are complementary insurances to your mutual. Each organism has its own way of working, as explained in one of our previous articles. Scrupulously follow the steps set out in your contract in order to meet all the reimbursement conditions. If the hospital, ambulance or dentist is not paid on time, you will incur late payment charges, often claimed through a collection company.

If, following an accident, you receive a reminder or a formal notice, react as quickly as possible! Get your accident and insurance references and contact your creditor or collection company directly.

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